
Семь свободных искусств // The Seven Liberal Arts

Astronomy: a three-quarter-length lady holding a cross and measuring the globe. c.1630  Engraving

Astronomy: a three-quarter-length lady holding a cross and measuring the globe. c.1630 Engraving

Семь свободных искусств.The Seven Liberal Arts.
В графике и живописи разных эпох и художников

В Древнем Риме так назывались занятия и упражнения, достойные свободного человека, в отличие от занятий, требующих физического труда, которыми могли заниматься только рабы. Ещё в античности начал вырабатываться список дисциплин, позже названных свободными искусствами.

Свободные искусства образуют высшую научную и литературную педагогику. Число их ограничено семью; они выстроены в значимом порядке, определяющем уровни обучения: искусства слова (грамматика и риторика), мышления (диалектика) и числа (арифметика, геометрия, астроно­мия, музыка).

Gentile da Fabriano (c. 1370-c. 1427)

Grammar. Fresco by Gentile da Fabriano. Hall of the Liberal Arts and of the Planets, Trinci palace, Foligno, Italy

Fresco by Gentile da Fabriano. Hall of the Liberal Arts and of the Planets, Trinci palace, Foligno, Italy

Astronomy. Fresco by Gentile da Fabriano. Hall of the Liberal Arts and of the Planets, Trinci palace, Foligno, Italy

Fresco by Gentile da Fabriano. Hall of the Liberal Arts and of the Planets, Trinci palace, Foligno, Italy

"Philosophy and Grammar". Fresco by Gentile da Fabriano. Hall of the Liberal Arts and of the Planets, Trinci palace, Foligno, Italy

"Philosophy and Grammar".
Fresco by Gentile da Fabriano. Hall of the Liberal Arts and of the Planets, Trinci palace, Foligno, Italy

Hall of the Liberal Arts and of the Planets, Trinci palace, Foligno ... Category:Trinci Palace Category:Gentile da Fabriano Category

Hall of the Liberal Arts and of the Planets, Trinci palace, Foligno ... Category:Trinci Palace Category:Gentile da Fabriano Category

Botticelli, Sandro. Lorenzo Tornabuoni before the Seven liberal arts

Botticelli, Sandro. Lorenzo Tornabuoni before the Seven liberal arts

Seven liberal arts - Monogrammist В

Seven liberal arts. Plate 7: Astrology, a female nude holding a pair of dividers and globe. 1544. Print made by Monogrammist B. Date 1544

Seven liberal arts. Plate 7: Astrology,
a female nude holding a pair of dividers and globe. 1544.
Print made by Monogrammist B. Date 1544

Seven liberal arts. Geometry, a female nude holding a square and plumbline. 1544

Seven liberal arts. Geometry,
a female nude holding a square and plumbline. 1544

Seven liberal arts. Music, a female nude holding a flute and musical score. 1544 Engraving

Seven liberal arts.
Music, a female nude holding a flute and musical score. 1544

Seven liberal arts. Grammar, a female nude holding a globe with an alphabet. 1544

Seven liberal arts.
Grammar, a female nude holding a globe with an alphabet. 1544

Arithmetic, a female nude sunk in gloom next to a table of numbers. 1544

a female nude sunk in gloom next to a table of numbers. 1544

Cornelis Cort 1565 (Cock, Floris)

Musica. Concentum inter se, et discrimina grata sonorum aure erudita deprehendit musica

Concentum inter se, et discrimina grata sonorum aure erudita deprehendit musica

Geometria -- Vestigare geometriae intervalla - Cornelis Cort 1565 (Cock, Floris) (Folger)

Geometria --
Vestigare geometriae intervalla - Cornelis Cort 1565 (Cock, Floris) (Folger)



Arithmetic, a woman, seated at a table inscribes a tablet accompanied by an elderly woman and two male scholars; the elderly woman stands over her and instructs her; her dress is numbered "1234..." and two tomes are labelled "ABRAHAM" and "PYTHAGORAS

Astrologia -- Astrorvm Uraniae Cursus - Cornelis Cort 1565 (Cock, Floris) (Folger)

Astrologia --
Astrorvm Uraniae Cursus - Cornelis Cort 1565 (Cock, Floris) (Folger)



Dialectic, a woman, seated on a wicker chair, engages in conversation with an elderly philosopher; she rests her feet on a stack of tomes labelled "ARISTOTELES" etc; a bird sits on her head, an eel is wrapped around her arm and a frog sits on an upright tome.



Grammar, a seated old woman, teaches a young boy standing besides her the rudiments of reading and writing; she holds a long staff, leans over and points to the pages of the book held by the youth; her dress has the letters of the alphabet; in a school room with students and various labelled scholarly tomes.



Rhetoric, a seated woman, holding a caduceus, leans over and engages with a seated man writing on a tablet; an elderly man with a long beard places his hands on the shoulder of the younger scholar; two birds, including a parrot, sit on a pile of books labelled "CICERO" etc on the ground.

Sebald Beham - 1531-1550

The Seven Liberal Arts; Sebald Beham (Print made by); Plate 5: Music 1531-1550

The Seven Liberal Arts;
Sebald Beham (Print made by);
Plate 5: Music 1531-1550

The Seven Liberal Arts; Sebald Beham (Print made by); Plate 7: Astrology 1531-1550

The Seven Liberal Arts;
Sebald Beham (Print made by);
Plate 7: Astrology 1531-1550

The Seven Liberal Arts; Sebald Beham (After); Plate 2: Dialectics;

The Seven Liberal Arts;
Sebald Beham (After);
Plate 2: Dialectics;

Sebald Beham (After); Plate 3: Rhetoric; reverse copy after Sebald Beham

Sebald Beham (After);
Plate 3: Rhetoric;
reverse copy after Sebald Beham

The Seven Liberal Arts; Sebald Beham (After); Plate 7: Astrology

The Seven Liberal Arts;
Sebald Beham (After);
Plate 7: Astrology

Sebald Beham (After); Plate 6: Geometry; reverse copy after Sebald Beham

Sebald Beham (After);
Plate 6: Geometry;
reverse copy after Sebald Beham

Plate 4: Arithmetic

Plate 4: Arithmetic

Virgil Solis-1530-1562

Dialectica. Virgil Solis (Print made by); The seven liberal arts; whole-length female figures encircled by clouds above landscapes 1530-1562

Dialectica. Virgil Solis (Print made by);
The seven liberal arts; whole-length female figures encircled by clouds above landscapes 1530-1562

The liberal arts; Astrology. print; Virgil Solis (Print made by); Female personification; whole-length winged figure with a crown of stars 1530-1562

The liberal arts;
Astrology. print; Virgil Solis (Print made by);
Female personification; whole-length winged figure with a crown of stars 1530-1562

The liberal arts; Grammarprint; Virgil Solis (Print made by); Female personification; whole-length figure in frontal view; holding a book and a file 1530-1562

The liberal arts; Grammarprint;
Virgil Solis (Print made by);
Female personification; whole-length figure in frontal view;
holding a book and a file 1530-1562

Print made by Virgil Solis  Date 1530-1562

Print made by Virgil Solis
Date 1530-1562

Marten de Vos Title Allegory of the Seven Liberal Arts Year 1590

Marten de Vos
Title Allegory of the Seven Liberal Arts
Year 1590

The Seven Liberal Arts

Grammar. Allegorical scene with an elder woman holding a stick and teaching a young child the alphabet, a boy with a book beyond, a fireplace in background; first state with address of Schonaeus; after Goltzius. 1587-1634

Grammar. Allegorical scene with an elder woman holding a stick and teaching a young child the alphabet, a boy with a book beyond, a fireplace in background; first state with address of Schonaeus; after Goltzius. 1587-1634

Francesco Primaticcio--1591 (before)

The Seven Liberal Arts. The personification of Grammar; a woman seated, holding an open book surrounded by young pupils and treading on two male figures, one with a beard; after Primaticcio(?). Ascribed to Francesco Primaticcio. Date 1591 (before)

The Seven Liberal Arts. The personification of Grammar; a woman seated, holding an open book surrounded by young pupils and treading on two male figures, one with a beard; after Primaticcio(?).
Ascribed to Francesco Primaticcio. Date 1591 (before)

Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Astronomy

Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Astronomy

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Logic

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Logic

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Rhetoric

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Rhetoric

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Geometry

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Geometry

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Music;

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Music;

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Arithmetic

The Seven Liberal Arts; Francesco Primaticcio (Ascribed to); Antonius Wierix (Published by); The personification of Arithmetic

Astronomy, a winged female personification, stars over her head, with a zodiacal globe and eagle; after Maarten de Vos. Published by Pieter de Jode I  Date 1600 (circa)

Astronomy, a winged female personification, stars over her head, with a zodiacal globe and eagle; after Maarten de Vos. Published by Pieter de Jode I  Date 1600 (circa)

The Seven Liberal Arts / Geometria; Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Geometry, a female personification with compasses and a globe

The Seven Liberal Arts / Geometria; Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Geometry, a female personification with compasses and a globe

Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Arithmetic, a female personification 1600

Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Arithmetic, a female personification 1600

Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Rhetoric, a female personification holding up a scroll  1600

Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Rhetoric, a female personification holding up a scroll  1600

Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Dialectic, a female personification seated by some books  1600

Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Dialectic, a female personification seated by some books  1600

Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Music, a female personification 1600

Pieter de Jode I (Published by); Jan Sadeler I (After); Marten de Vos (After); Music, a female personification 1600

Septem Artes Liberales; Cornelis Schut (Print made by); Allegorical scene on the seven Liberal Arts. 1635

Septem Artes Liberales; Cornelis Schut (Print made by); Allegorical scene on the seven Liberal Arts. 1635